Ciabatta / Focaccia 80 % Hydration with Poolish Starter

Total dough weight: 1000 g
Total flour: 541 g
Total water: 444 g (80 % hydration)
Poolish flour: 167 g (30 % of total flour)
Poolish water: 167 g (100% poolish hydration)
Poolish yeast: 0.06 g (dry, room temp., overnight)
Poolish salt: 0.1 g
Rest of flour: 389 g (possible 30 min autolyse with poolish)
Rest of water: 277 g (possible double hydration technique)
Olive oil: 25 g (focaccia only, more for bottom and top)
Rest of salt: 12 g (2.3 % of flour)
Rest of yeast: 1.8 g (1.0 %, dry, 5 g fresh)

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